Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We're HUGE!

The lilos are getting bigger and bigger everyday. Landon started crawling and is all over the place. We finally got them some high-chairs, they are sitting forward in the car, and we are on solid foods(no more Gerber foods).

The Lilo man and his dad.

They almost fit:)

We love our food and her piggies.

I can't put food on his tray fast enough.

Dads form of entertainment.

Da bug and her kitty. She drags this thing everywhere.


Jill and Scott said...

They are getting so big! Scotlyn still isn't sitting forward in the car seat, but I think it might be time for her to start! Bring them over to play soon!

Heidi Buchi said...

They are so super cute! We miss you guys! We can't wait to see ya, hopefully it will be soon. Those babies are adorable.

Meg said...

That age is so fun. It keeps you busy though, now that they are getting around they get into everything. I keep forgetting to ask you what part of Arizona you are in? We are heading home next week, I know you are planning a trip back too so let us know so we can get together!