Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Big Mama

This is the day before I went into the hospital to have the babies. I was huge, but I have two happy healthy babies to show for it. Labor wasn't that bad my body didn't want to give up the little ones inside me. Wednesday October 8th I was given some medicine to thin me and Thursday morning they induced me around 6am. They broke Leah's water around nine and gave me the wonderful epidural. I was on magnesium and potassium so my body was not sure what to do, contract or relax. I was in active labor all day but only dilated to a 5. By 9pm on Thursday night my doctor was worried about how much more my body could take and suggested we do a c-section. By this time Jer and I were ready for anything. So by 9:45 we had two beautiful babies. Leah was 7'2 and Landon 6'9 and they were both 20 inches long.

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