So, it looks like Jer beat me to the punch this morning. Yes its true Jer and I are celebrating 5 wonderful years of marriage. I am so blessed to have such a happy, helpful, caring, sweet husband. I defiantly married up. I don't know where I could be without this incredible husband and father. Here are some more pictures from the wedding.
Five years ago today I married the most wonderful woman in the world. It's hard to believe time slips by so quickly. It's been a beautiful five years. Alisha has brought me happiness every day and I'm still madly in love with her. She's a wonderful mother to our little twins Leah and Landon. She's overwhelmed at times trying to keep them entertained at the house all day while I chase bad guys and save the world from evil. Her job as a mother is much more difficult than my job as a Special Agent. I love you so much Alisha. Happy Anniversary.
So, we just got this new thing called "the internet"! I think we might some of the pioneers for this new technology. You guys should really look into getting it.:) So all of you out there that have been checking my blog for updates prepare to be surprised.